Command Line Usage

This contains the command line usage for each of the standard scripts we release. These are each included in parlai/scripts, and all may be invoked with the “parlai” supercommand.

The parlai supercommand may be invoked from the command line by running parlai after installing ParlAI. Its default output looks like this:

usage: parlai [-h] [--helpall] COMMAND ...

  ==//'=== ParlAI

optional arguments:
  -h, --help               show this help message and exit
  --helpall                show all commands, including advanced ones.


  display_data (dd)        Display data from a task
  display_model (dm)       Display model predictions.
  eval_model (em, eval)    Evaluate a model
  train_model (tm, train)  Train a model
  interactive (i)          Interactive chat with a model on the command line
  safe_interactive         Like interactive, but adds a safety filter
  self_chat                Generate self-chats of a model

The remainder of this page describes each of the commands, their possible arguments,
and some examples of their usage.


Short description: Display data from a task

Aliases: dd Basic example which iterates through the tasks specified and prints them out. Used for verification of data loading and iteration.

For example, to make sure that bAbI task 1 (1k exs) loads one can run and to see a few of them:


parlai display_data --task babi:task1k:1

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train:ordered.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--num-examples, --n, --ne

Default: 10.

--max-display-len, --mdl

Default: 1000.


Display these fields when verbose is off (e.g., “–display-add-fields label_candidates,beam_texts”)


Default: True.


Short description: Display model predictions.

Aliases: dm Basic example which iterates through the tasks specified and runs the given model on them.


parlai display_model --task babi:task1k:1 --model repeat_label
parlai display_model --task convai2 --model-file "/path/to/model_file"  --datatype test

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: valid.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--num-examples, --n, --ne

Default: 10.


Display these fields when verbose is off (e.g., “–display-add-fields label_candidates,beam_texts”)


Short description: Evaluate a model

Aliases: em, eval Basic example which iterates through the tasks specified and evaluates the given model on them.


parlai eval_model --task "babi:Task1k:2" -m "repeat_label"
parlai eval_model --task convai2 --model-file "/path/to/model_file"

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: valid.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--report-filename, --rf

Saves a json file of the evaluation report either as an extension to the model-file (if begins with a “.”) or a whole file path. Set to the empty string to not save at all.


Saves a jsonl file of the world logs.Set to the empty string to not save at all.


Choices: conversations, parlai
Default: conversations.

--area-under-curve-digits, --auc

A positive number indicates to calculate the area under the roc curve and it also determines how many decimal digits of the predictions to keep (higher numbers->more precise); also used to determine whether or not to calculate the AUC metric
Default: -1.

--area-under-curve-class, --auclass

The name(s) of the class to calculate the auc for

--num-examples, --ne

Default: -1.

--display-examples, --d

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 10.

--metrics, --mcs

List of metrics to show/compute, e.g. all, default,or give a list split by , like ppl,f1,accuracy,hits@1,rouge,bleuthe rouge metrics will be computed as rouge-1, rouge-2 and rouge-l
Default: default.

--aggregate-micro, --micro

Report micro-averaged metrics instead of macro averaged metrics.


Fields to keep when logging. Should be a comma separated list
Default: all.

--tensorboard-log, --tblog

Tensorboard logging of metrics

--tensorboard-logdir, --tblogdir

Tensorboard logging directory, defaults to model_file.tensorboard


Short description: Evaluate a model

Aliases: gmc Script to generate the model card automatically.

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train:ordered.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--report-filename, --rf

Saves a json file of the evaluation report either as an extension to the model-file (if begins with a “.”) or a whole file path. Set to the empty string to not save at all.


Saves a jsonl file of the world logs.Set to the empty string to not save at all.


Choices: conversations, parlai
Default: conversations.

--area-under-curve-digits, --auc

A positive number indicates to calculate the area under the roc curve and it also determines how many decimal digits of the predictions to keep (higher numbers->more precise); also used to determine whether or not to calculate the AUC metric
Default: -1.

--area-under-curve-class, --auclass

The name(s) of the class to calculate the auc for

--display-examples, --d

--metrics, --mcs

List of metrics to show/compute, e.g. all, default,or give a list split by , like ppl,f1,accuracy,hits@1,rouge,bleuthe rouge metrics will be computed as rouge-1, rouge-2 and rouge-l
Default: default.

--aggregate-micro, --micro

Report micro-averaged metrics instead of macro averaged metrics.


Fields to keep when logging. Should be a comma separated list
Default: all.

--tensorboard-log, --tblog

Tensorboard logging of metrics

--tensorboard-logdir, --tblogdir

Tensorboard logging directory, defaults to model_file.tensorboard

--num-examples, --n, --ne

Default: -1.

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 10.


Use teacher (agent 0) or model (agent 1)
Choices: 0, 1


New lines treat substrings as separate utterances.


Ignore tokens containings these substrings (comma-separated)


Path to pre-trained tokenizer vocab


Path to pre-trained tokenizer merge


Use BPE dropout during training.

--wrapper, --w

Registered name of model wrapper


Where to write logs of model outputs
Default: /tmp/.


Which tests to run; by default, run all. If generate, run tests for generating offensive language. If response, run tests for checking responses to offensive language.
Choices: response, generate, all
Default: all.


Use in DEBUG mode

--model-type, --mt

Type of model
Choices: ranker, generator, classifier, retriever

--folder-to-save, --fts, --ftsaved

Folder to save the model card and related contents (ie. graphs)
Default: model_card_folder.

--evaltask, --et

Task to use for valid/test (defaults to the one used for training)


Possible modes: gen (generation), editing, final.

In addition, for gen mode, we can also add the following to specify which exact reports to run: data_stats, eval, safety, sample, and quant)

For instance, –mode gen:data_stats:eval
Default: editing.

--ignore-unfound-tasks, --ignore

Whether or not to ignore the fromfile, jsonfile, etc. tasks if the task can be found; by default, we will (so True).
Default: True.

--evaluation-report-file, --eval-rf

Evaluation report file

--extra-args-path, --exargs

Path to .json file with extra arguments used for different stages of report generation and later for quantitative analyses section generation; please do NOT use the shortened format (ie. t=); check documentation for more info

--quantitative-report-files, --quant-rfs

Quantitative report file (with different subgroups); if multiple, please separate with comma, and (optional) also add a field in the report file stating what kind of subgroup it is; note that this is only applicable for classifier type models


Whether to include the miscellaneous dropdown (fields that were not included in other dropdowns); by default, the value is True.
Default: True.


Other metrics to include in the quantitative analysis


Short description: Interactive chat with a model on the command line

Aliases: i Basic script which allows local human keyboard input to talk to a trained model.


parlai interactive --model-file "zoo:tutorial_transformer_generator/model"

When prompted, enter something like: Bob is Blue.\nWhat is Bob?

Input is often model or task specific. Some tasks will automatically format The input with context for the task, e.g. -t convai2 will automatically add personas.

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”
Default: interactive.

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--display-examples, --d


Set to use a prettytable when displaying examples with text candidates


Display these fields when verbose is off (e.g., “–display-add-fields label_candidates,beam_texts”)

--interactive-task, --it

Create interactive version of task
Default: True.


Saves a jsonl file containing all of the task examples and model replies. Set to the empty string to not save at all


Format to save logs in. conversations is a jsonl format, parlai is a text format.
Choices: conversations, parlai
Default: conversations.

--local-human-candidates-file, --fixedCands

File of label_candidates to send to other agent


If on, assumes single turn episodes.


Fields to keep when logging. Should be a comma separated list
Default: all.


Short description: Like interactive, but adds a safety filter

Script for safety protected interaction between a local human keyboard input and a trained model.

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”
Default: interactive.

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--display-examples, --d


Set to use a prettytable when displaying examples with text candidates


Display these fields when verbose is off (e.g., “–display-add-fields label_candidates,beam_texts”)

--interactive-task, --it

Create interactive version of task
Default: True.


Apply safety filtering to messages
Choices: none, classifier, string_matcher, all
Default: all.

--local-human-candidates-file, --fixedCands

File of label_candidates to send to other agent


If on, assumes single turn episodes.


Short description: Generate self-chats of a model

Allows a model to self-chat on a given task.

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”
Default: self_chat.

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file


Default: 42.

--display-examples, --d

Default: True.


Display these fields when verbose is off (e.g., “–display-add-fields label_candidates,beam_texts”)

--selfchat-task, --st

Create a self chat version of the task
Default: True.


Number of self chats to run
Default: 1.


The number of dialogue turns before self chat ends
Default: 6.


Automatically seed conversation with messages from task dataset.


If specified, loads newline-separated strings from the file as conversation starters.


File to save self chat logs


Format to save logs in. conversations is a jsonl format, parlai is a text format.
Choices: conversations, parlai
Default: conversations.

--partner-model-file, --pmf

Define a different partner for self chat


Path to file containing opts to override for partner


Fields to keep when logging. Should be a comma separated list
Default: all.


Short description: World for chatting with the TOD conversation structure

Base script for running TOD model-model chats.

For example, to extract gold ground truth data from the holdout version of Google SGD, run

python -u -m parlai.scripts.tod_world_script --api-schema-grounding-model parlai.tasks.google_sgd_simulation_splits.agents:OutDomainApiSchemaAgent --goal-grounding-model parlai.tasks.google_sgd_simulation_splits.agents:OutDomainGoalAgent --user-model parlai.tasks.google_sgd_simulation_splits.agents:OutDomainUserUttAgent --system-model parlai.tasks.google_sgd_simulation_splits.agents:OutDomainApiCallAndSysUttAgent --api-resp-model parlai.tasks.google_sgd_simulation_splits.agents:OutDomainApiResponseAgent -dt valid --num-episodes -1 --episodes-randomization-seed 42 --world-logs gold-valid

This file handles

  1. Script param setup, including that used for loading agents which may have their own parameters

  2. Running the world (including handling batching, until num episodes or length of epoch has been met).

  3. File I/O for both reports (for metrics) and conversation logs + logic for displaying prints

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data


Saves a json file of the evaluation report either as an extension to the model-file (if begins with a “.”) or a whole file path. Set to the empty string to not save at all.


Saves a jsonl file containing all of the task examples and model replies.


Choices: conversations, parlai
Default: conversations.


Number of episodes to display. Set to -1 for infinity or the number of examples of the first agent with a non-unlimited number of episodes in the world.
Default: 10.

--display-examples, --d

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 10.


Fields to keep when logging. Should be a comma separated list
Default: all.


The max number of full turns before chat ends, excluding prompting
Default: 30.


Define the system model for the chat. Exactly one of this or system-model must be specified


Define the system agent for the chat. Exactly one of this or system-model-file must be specified


Define the user model for the chat. Exactly one of this user-model must be specified. Currently assumed to be the API Call creation agent as well.


Define the user agent for the chat. Exactly one of this or user-model-file must be specified. Currently assumed to be the API Call creation agent as well.


Agent used for defining API response values


Agent used in first turn to grounding api call/response agents with api schemas. Will use EmptyApiSchemaAgent if both this and --api-schemas not set.


Agent used in first turn to grounding user agent with goal. Will use EmptyGoalAgent if not set


If set and --api-schema-grounding-model is empty, will infer --api-schema-grounding-model based on this and a regex on --goal-grounding-model. If you run into issues with parsing order of opts using this flag, just switch to --api-schema-grounding-model.


Short description: Train a model

Aliases: tm, train Training script for ParlAI.

The standard way to train a model. After training, also computes validation and test error.

The user must provide a model (with --model) and a task (with --task).


parlai train_model --model ir_baseline --task dialog_babi:Task:1 --model-file /tmp/model
parlai train_model --model seq2seq --task babi:Task10k:1 --model-file '/tmp/model' --batchsize 32 --learningrate 0.5

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--evaltask, --et

Task to use for valid/test (defaults to the one used for training)


A ‘.opt’ file that is used for final eval. Useful for setting skip-generation to false. ‘datatype’ must be included as part of the opt.


Set dynamic batching at evaluation time. Set to off for train-only dynamic batching. Set to none (default) to use same setting as –dynamic-batching.
Choices: full, off, batchsort, None


Number of background workers (training only)

--num-epochs, --eps

Default: -1.

--max-train-time, --ttim

Default: -1.

--max-train-steps, --max-lr-steps, --tstep

End training after n model updates
Default: -1.

--log-every-n-steps, --lstep

Log every n training steps
Default: 50.

--validation-every-n-secs, --vtim

Validate every n seconds. Saves model to model_file (if set) whenever best val metric is found
Default: -1.

--validation-every-n-steps, --vstep

Validate every n training steps. Saves model to model_file (if set) whenever best val metric is found
Default: -1.

--save-every-n-secs, --stim

Saves the model to model_file.checkpoint after every n seconds (default -1, never).
Default: -1.

--save-after-valid, --sval

Saves the model to model_file.checkpoint after every validation (default False).

--validation-every-n-epochs, --veps

Validate every n epochs. Saves model to model_file (if set) whenever best val metric is found
Default: -1.

--validation-patience, --vp

Number of iterations of validation where result does not improve before we stop training
Default: 10.

--validation-metric, --vmt

Key into report table for selecting best validation
Default: accuracy.

--validation-metric-mode, --vmm

The direction in which to optimize the validation metric, i.e. maximize or minimize
Choices: max, min

--metrics, --mcs

List of metrics to show/compute, e.g. all, default,or give a list split by , like ppl,f1,accuracy,hits@1,rouge,bleuthe rouge metrics will be computed as rouge-1, rouge-2 and rouge-l
Default: default.

--aggregate-micro, --micro

Report micro-averaged metrics instead of macro averaged metrics.


Saves a jsonl file of the world logs.Set to the empty string to not save at all.


Choices: conversations, parlai
Default: conversations.



Fields to keep when logging. Should be a comma separated list
Default: all.

--tensorboard-log, --tblog

Tensorboard logging of metrics

--tensorboard-logdir, --tblogdir

Tensorboard logging directory, defaults to model_file.tensorboard

--wandb-log, --wblog

Enable W&B logging of metrics


W&B project name. Defaults to timestamp. Usually the name of the sweep.


W&B entity name.


Enable logging of model artifacts to weight and biases

--clearml-log, --clearmllog

Creates a ClearML Task. Default: False. If True, ClearML logging will be enabled.

--clearml-project-name, --clearmlproject

ClearML Project Name. All the logs will be stored under this project in ClearML WebUI. If not set, default will set to ParlAI.
Default: ParlAI.

--clearml-task-name, --clearmltask

ClearML Task Name. All the logs will be stored under this task in ClearML WebUI. If not set, default will set to “Default Task”.
Default: Default Task.


Path to pre-trained tokenizer vocab


Path to pre-trained tokenizer merge


Use BPE dropout during training.