Advanced Scripts

These are the more obscure and advanced scripts in parlai.


Short description: Build the candidate responses for a retrieval model

Build the candidate responses for a retrieval model.


parlai build_candidates --task convai2 --outfile /tmp/cands.txt

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train:evalmode.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--num-examples, --n

Total number of exs to convert, -1 to convert all examples
Default: -1.

--outfile, --of

Output file where to save, by default will be created in /tmp

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 2.


Short description: Build a dictionary.

Generates a dictionary file from the training data.


# learn the vocabulary from one task, then train on another task.
parlai build_dict --task convai2 --dict-file premade.dict
parlai train_model --task squad --dict-file premade.dict --model seq2seq

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file


Max number of examples to build dict on
Default: -1.


Include validation set in dictionary building for task.


Include test set in dictionary building for task.

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: -1.


Path to pre-trained tokenizer vocab


Path to pre-trained tokenizer merge


Use BPE dropout during training.


Short description: Convert data to json format

Converts data used in a task to json format. (Same as “Conversation” class; ie, for use in ACUTE-eval)

Specify the task with -t. By default, this code will save to a file with prefix “tmp”. To change the prefix, set --world-logs.

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: valid.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)
Default: repeat_label.

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--report-filename, --rf

Saves a json file of the evaluation report either as an extension to the model-file (if begins with a “.”) or a whole file path. Set to the empty string to not save at all.


Saves a jsonl file of the world logs.Set to the empty string to not save at all.
Default: tmp.


Choices: conversations, parlai
Default: conversations.

--area-under-curve-digits, --auc

A positive number indicates to calculate the area under the roc curve and it also determines how many decimal digits of the predictions to keep (higher numbers->more precise); also used to determine whether or not to calculate the AUC metric
Default: -1.

--area-under-curve-class, --auclass

The name(s) of the class to calculate the auc for

--num-examples, --ne

Default: -1.

--display-examples, --d

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 10.

--metrics, --mcs

List of metrics to show/compute, e.g. all, default,or give a list split by , like ppl,f1,accuracy,hits@1,rouge,bleuthe rouge metrics will be computed as rouge-1, rouge-2 and rouge-l
Default: default.

--aggregate-micro, --micro

Report micro-averaged metrics instead of macro averaged metrics.


Fields to keep when logging. Should be a comma separated list
Default: all.

--tensorboard-log, --tblog

Tensorboard logging of metrics

--tensorboard-logdir, --tblogdir

Tensorboard logging directory, defaults to model_file.tensorboard


Short description: Dump a task to a standardized format

Convert a dataset into the ParlAI text format.


parlai convert_data_to_parlai_format --task babi:task1k:1 --outfile /tmp/dump

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train:stream.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--num-examples, --n

Total number of exs to convert, -1 to convert all examples
Default: -1.

--outfile, --of

Output file where to save, by default will be created in tmp

--ignore-fields, --if

Ignore these fields from the message (returned with .act() )
Default: id.

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 2.


Short description: Render data as HTML

CLI Arguments




Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--input, --i

Input file to read conversations from

--output, --o

Output file to write conversations to. One of [.pdf, .png, .html] only

--width, --wd

Width of output file
Default: 8.

--height, --ht

Height of output file
Default: 10.

--user-icon, --uic

Absolute Path/URL to user image icon

--alt-icon, --aic

Absolute Path/URL to alternate image icon

--num-examples, --ne

Number of conversations to render
Default: 10.


Short description: Compute data statistics

Count and display statistics of the data.


parlai data_stats --task convai2

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train:ordered.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--num-examples, --n, --ne

Default: -1.

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 10.


Use teacher (agent 0) or model (agent 1)
Choices: 0, 1


New lines treat substrings as separate utterances.


Ignore tokens containings these substrings (comma-separated)


Path to pre-trained tokenizer vocab


Path to pre-trained tokenizer merge


Use BPE dropout during training.


Short description: Check task for offensive language

Basic example which iterates through the tasks specified and checks them for offensive language.


parlai detect_offensive_language --task "convai_chitchat" --display-examples True

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train:ordered.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)
Default: repeat_query.

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 2.

--display-examples, --d


Type of safety detector to apply to messages
Choices: classifier, string_matcher, all
Default: all.


Short description: Compute statistics from model predictions

This helper script can be used alone with modelfile and task: the output will contain the word statistics of the model outputs. One can also use the function defined here in other places in order to get such statistic for any agent given the agent object (with corr. dict) and a sequence.

Additionally provides function get_word_stats that can be used in other parts of runtime code since it depends only on the agent object. For example:

from parlai.scripts.eval_wordstat import get_word_stats
reqs, cnt = get_word_stats(predictions.tolist(), self.dict)


parlai eval_wordstat --model-file /path/to/model_file --task convai2:self --freq-bins 10,100,1000

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: valid.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file


Path to pre-trained tokenizer vocab


Path to pre-trained tokenizer merge


Use BPE dropout during training.

--num-examples, --ne

Default: -1.

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 2.

--external-dict, --ed

External dictionary for stat computation

--freq-bins, --fb

Bins boundaries for rare words stat
Default: 0,100,1000,10000.

--dump-predictions-path, --dup

Dump predictions into file

--compute-unique, --cun

Compute %% of unique responses from the model
Default: True.

--tensorboard-log, --tblog

Tensorboard logging of metrics

--tensorboard-logdir, --tblogdir

Tensorboard logging directory, defaults to model_file.tensorboard


Short description: Load/extract image features

Basic example which iterates through the tasks specified and load/extract the image features.

For more options, check parlai.core.image_featurizers


To extract the image feature of COCO images:

parlai extract_image_feature --task vqa_v1 --image-mode resnet152

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data


Example Flask server which hosts a model.


Serving the model

parlai flask -m repeat_query
parlai flask -mf zoo:blender/blender_90M/model

Hitting the API*

curl -k http://localhost:5000/response -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text": "foobar"}'

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file


Short description: Interactive chat with a model in a web browser

Aliases: iweb Talk with a model using a web UI.


parlai interactive_web --model-file "zoo:tutorial_transformer_generator/model"

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”
Default: interactive.

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--display-examples, --d


Set to use a prettytable when displaying examples with text candidates


Display these fields when verbose is off (e.g., “–display-add-fields label_candidates,beam_texts”)

--interactive-task, --it

Create interactive version of task
Default: True.


Saves a jsonl file containing all of the task examples and model replies. Set to the empty string to not save at all


Format to save logs in. conversations is a jsonl format, parlai is a text format.
Choices: conversations, parlai
Default: conversations.

--local-human-candidates-file, --fixedCands

File of label_candidates to send to other agent


If on, assumes single turn episodes.


Fields to keep when logging. Should be a comma separated list
Default: all.


Port to listen on.
Default: 8080.


Host from which allow requests, use to allow all IPs
Default: localhost.


Short description: Evaluate a model

Aliases: mp_eval Main launch script for single-host, multi-GPU evaluation.

This is a drop-in replacement for [eval_model]. This script will launch N subprocess, each which runs the full eval loop independently.

Uses torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel for its main uses. Agents must specifically implement the wrapper of DistributedDataParallel, but all TorchRankerAgents and TorchGeneratorAgents support this.


parlai multiprocessing_eval --model-file "zoo:tutorial_transformer_generator/model" --batchsize 16 --task convai2

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: valid.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--report-filename, --rf

Saves a json file of the evaluation report either as an extension to the model-file (if begins with a “.”) or a whole file path. Set to the empty string to not save at all.


Saves a jsonl file of the world logs.Set to the empty string to not save at all.


Choices: conversations, parlai
Default: conversations.

--area-under-curve-digits, --auc

A positive number indicates to calculate the area under the roc curve and it also determines how many decimal digits of the predictions to keep (higher numbers->more precise); also used to determine whether or not to calculate the AUC metric
Default: -1.

--area-under-curve-class, --auclass

The name(s) of the class to calculate the auc for

--num-examples, --ne

Default: -1.

--display-examples, --d

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 10.

--metrics, --mcs

List of metrics to show/compute, e.g. all, default,or give a list split by , like ppl,f1,accuracy,hits@1,rouge,bleuthe rouge metrics will be computed as rouge-1, rouge-2 and rouge-l
Default: default.

--aggregate-micro, --micro

Report micro-averaged metrics instead of macro averaged metrics.


Fields to keep when logging. Should be a comma separated list
Default: all.

--tensorboard-log, --tblog

Tensorboard logging of metrics

--tensorboard-logdir, --tblogdir

Tensorboard logging directory, defaults to model_file.tensorboard


Number of workers.


Distributed backend. Zero2 can be faster but is more experimental. Zero3 significantly reduces memory pressure. DDP is the most tested.
Choices: ddp, zero2, zero3
Default: ddp.


Short description: Train a model

Aliases: mp_train Main launch script for single-host, multi-GPU training.

This is a drop-in replacement for [train_model]. This script will launch N subprocess, each which runs the full training loop independently.

Uses torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel for its main uses. Agents must specifically implement the wrapper of DistributedDatParallel, but all TorchRankerAgents and TorchGeneratorAgents support this.


parlai multiprocessing_train -m transformer/generator --batchsize 16 --task convai2 --model-file /tmp/mymodel

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--evaltask, --et

Task to use for valid/test (defaults to the one used for training)


A ‘.opt’ file that is used for final eval. Useful for setting skip-generation to false. ‘datatype’ must be included as part of the opt.


Set dynamic batching at evaluation time. Set to off for train-only dynamic batching. Set to none (default) to use same setting as –dynamic-batching.
Choices: full, off, batchsort, None


Number of background workers (training only)

--num-epochs, --eps

Default: -1.

--max-train-time, --ttim

Default: -1.

--max-train-steps, --max-lr-steps, --tstep

End training after n model updates
Default: -1.

--log-every-n-steps, --lstep

Log every n training steps
Default: 50.

--validation-every-n-secs, --vtim

Validate every n seconds. Saves model to model_file (if set) whenever best val metric is found
Default: -1.

--validation-every-n-steps, --vstep

Validate every n training steps. Saves model to model_file (if set) whenever best val metric is found
Default: -1.

--save-every-n-secs, --stim

Saves the model to model_file.checkpoint after every n seconds (default -1, never).
Default: -1.

--save-after-valid, --sval

Saves the model to model_file.checkpoint after every validation (default False).

--validation-every-n-epochs, --veps

Validate every n epochs. Saves model to model_file (if set) whenever best val metric is found
Default: -1.

--validation-patience, --vp

Number of iterations of validation where result does not improve before we stop training
Default: 10.

--validation-metric, --vmt

Key into report table for selecting best validation
Default: accuracy.

--validation-metric-mode, --vmm

The direction in which to optimize the validation metric, i.e. maximize or minimize
Choices: max, min

--metrics, --mcs

List of metrics to show/compute, e.g. all, default,or give a list split by , like ppl,f1,accuracy,hits@1,rouge,bleuthe rouge metrics will be computed as rouge-1, rouge-2 and rouge-l
Default: default.

--aggregate-micro, --micro

Report micro-averaged metrics instead of macro averaged metrics.


Saves a jsonl file of the world logs.Set to the empty string to not save at all.


Choices: conversations, parlai
Default: conversations.



Fields to keep when logging. Should be a comma separated list
Default: all.

--tensorboard-log, --tblog

Tensorboard logging of metrics

--tensorboard-logdir, --tblogdir

Tensorboard logging directory, defaults to model_file.tensorboard

--wandb-log, --wblog

Enable W&B logging of metrics


W&B project name. Defaults to timestamp. Usually the name of the sweep.


W&B entity name.


Enable logging of model artifacts to weight and biases

--clearml-log, --clearmllog

Creates a ClearML Task. Default: False. If True, ClearML logging will be enabled.

--clearml-project-name, --clearmlproject

ClearML Project Name. All the logs will be stored under this project in ClearML WebUI. If not set, default will set to ParlAI.
Default: ParlAI.

--clearml-task-name, --clearmltask

ClearML Task Name. All the logs will be stored under this task in ClearML WebUI. If not set, default will set to “Default Task”.
Default: Default Task.


Path to pre-trained tokenizer vocab


Path to pre-trained tokenizer merge


Use BPE dropout during training.


Number of workers.


Distributed backend. Zero2 can be faster but is more experimental. Zero3 significantly reduces memory pressure. DDP is the most tested.
Choices: ddp, zero2, zero3
Default: ddp.



Short description: Throw a party!

Aliases: parrot Throw a party.


parlai party

CLI Arguments



--seconds, --n

Number of seconds to party
Default: -1.


Short description: Interactive chat with a model

Basic script which allows to profile interaction with a model using repeat_query to avoid human interaction (so we can time it, only).

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”
Default: interactive.

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--display-examples, --d

Default: True.

--num-examples, --ne

Default: 5.


Set to use a prettytable when displaying examples with text candidates


Display these fields when verbose is off (e.g., “–display-add-fields label_candidates,beam_texts”)

--interactive-task, --it

Create interactive version of task
Default: True.


Short description: cProfile a training run

Run the python or pytorch profiler and prints the results.


To make sure that bAbI task 1 (1k exs) loads one can run and to see a few of them:

parlai profile_train --task babi:task1k:1 --model seq2seq --dict-file /tmp/dict

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--evaltask, --et

Task to use for valid/test (defaults to the one used for training)


A ‘.opt’ file that is used for final eval. Useful for setting skip-generation to false. ‘datatype’ must be included as part of the opt.


Set dynamic batching at evaluation time. Set to off for train-only dynamic batching. Set to none (default) to use same setting as –dynamic-batching.
Choices: full, off, batchsort, None


Number of background workers (training only)

--num-epochs, --eps

Default: 1.

--max-train-time, --ttim

Default: -1.

--max-train-steps, --max-lr-steps, --tstep

End training after n model updates
Default: -1.

--log-every-n-steps, --lstep

Log every n training steps
Default: 50.

--validation-every-n-secs, --vtim

Validate every n seconds. Saves model to model_file (if set) whenever best val metric is found
Default: -1.

--validation-every-n-steps, --vstep

Validate every n training steps. Saves model to model_file (if set) whenever best val metric is found
Default: -1.

--save-every-n-secs, --stim

Saves the model to model_file.checkpoint after every n seconds (default -1, never).
Default: -1.

--save-after-valid, --sval

Saves the model to model_file.checkpoint after every validation (default False).

--validation-every-n-epochs, --veps

Validate every n epochs. Saves model to model_file (if set) whenever best val metric is found
Default: -1.

--validation-patience, --vp

Number of iterations of validation where result does not improve before we stop training
Default: 10.

--validation-metric, --vmt

Key into report table for selecting best validation
Default: accuracy.

--validation-metric-mode, --vmm

The direction in which to optimize the validation metric, i.e. maximize or minimize
Choices: max, min

--metrics, --mcs

List of metrics to show/compute, e.g. all, default,or give a list split by , like ppl,f1,accuracy,hits@1,rouge,bleuthe rouge metrics will be computed as rouge-1, rouge-2 and rouge-l
Default: default.

--aggregate-micro, --micro

Report micro-averaged metrics instead of macro averaged metrics.


Saves a jsonl file of the world logs.Set to the empty string to not save at all.


Choices: conversations, parlai
Default: conversations.



Fields to keep when logging. Should be a comma separated list
Default: all.

--tensorboard-log, --tblog

Tensorboard logging of metrics

--tensorboard-logdir, --tblogdir

Tensorboard logging directory, defaults to model_file.tensorboard

--wandb-log, --wblog

Enable W&B logging of metrics


W&B project name. Defaults to timestamp. Usually the name of the sweep.


W&B entity name.


Enable logging of model artifacts to weight and biases

--clearml-log, --clearmllog

Creates a ClearML Task. Default: False. If True, ClearML logging will be enabled.

--clearml-project-name, --clearmlproject

ClearML Project Name. All the logs will be stored under this project in ClearML WebUI. If not set, default will set to ParlAI.
Default: ParlAI.

--clearml-task-name, --clearmltask

ClearML Task Name. All the logs will be stored under this task in ClearML WebUI. If not set, default will set to “Default Task”.
Default: Default Task.


Path to pre-trained tokenizer vocab


Path to pre-trained tokenizer merge


Use BPE dropout during training.


If true, use the torch profiler. Otherwise use cProfile.


If true, use the torch cuda profiler. Otherwise use cProfile.


If true, enter debugger at end of run.


Short description: Compute tokenized stats.

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train:stream:ordered.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)
Default: test_agents/null.

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--num-examples, --n

Default: -1.

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 10.


Default: text.



CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--scripted-model-file, --smf

Where the scripted model checkpoint will be saved

--input, --in

Input string to pass into the encoder of the scripted model, to test it against the unscripted version. Separate lines with a pipe

--script-module, --sm

Module to TorchScript. Example: parlai.torchscript.modules:TorchScriptGreedySearch
Default: parlai.torchscript.modules:TorchScriptGreedySearch.

--enable-inference-optimization, --eio

Enable inference optimizations on the scripted model.


Short description: Shrink a model file for release.

Reduces the size of a model file by stripping the optimizer.

Assumes we are working with a TorchAgent

CLI Arguments



--model-file, --mf

Path to model file.


Do not create a backup.


Short description: Check tasks for common errors

Verify data doesn’t have basic mistakes, like empty text fields or empty label candidates.


parlai verify_data --task convai2 --datatype valid

CLI Arguments



--init-opt, --o

Path to json file of options. Note: Further Command-line arguments override file-based options.


Warn instead of raising if an argument passed in with –init-opt is not in the target opt.

--task, --t

ParlAI task(s), e.g. “babi:Task1” or “babi,cbt”

--datatype, --dt

Choose from: train, train:ordered, valid, test. to stream data add “:stream” to any option (e.g., train:stream). by default train is random with replacement, valid is ordered, test is ordered.
Choices: train, train:stream, train:ordered, train:ordered:stream, train:stream:ordered, train:evalmode, train:evalmode:stream, train:evalmode:ordered, train:evalmode:ordered:stream, train:evalmode:stream:ordered, valid, valid:stream, test, test:stream
Default: train:stream:ordered.

--batchsize, --bs

Batch size for minibatch training schemes
Default: 1.

--dynamic-batching, --dynb

Use dynamic batching
Choices: full, batchsort, None

--verbose, --v

Print all messages


Enables some debug behavior

--datapath, --dp

Path to datasets, defaults to {parlai_dir}/data

--model, --m

The model class name. can match parlai/agents/ for agents in that directory, or can provide a fully specified module for from X import Y via -m X:Y (e.g. -m parlai.agents.seq2seq.seq2seq:Seq2SeqAgent)

--model-file, --mf

Model file name for loading and saving models

--init-model, --im

Initialize model weights and dict from this file

--log-every-n-secs, --ltim

Default: 2.

--display-examples, --d